Here you can have details on ICMA Pakistan exemptions for MBA. If you have done MBA then you might be getting few of the exemptions from ICMA. For the information, this ICMA which is working and been at the operational stage in Pakistan, it always follow up this philosophy to inculcate and induct these theoretical financial concepts in their students. This institute has trusted and most professional competence it also gives equal amount of importance with regard to the development and polishing of communication skills and too presentation skills and also interpersonal skills in their students. This ICMA has more then and about 15,000 students right across the country and too overseas. They offer Certificate in the area of Basic Financial Reporting, they offer and give this Certificate program in the area line of Techniques for Managing Cost, you can have your certificate training program in the area of Overview of Taxation or in the area line of Financial Reporting of Corporate Entities.
Now for all of the MBA degree holders, few of the exemptions have been made by ICMA. If you are doing your CA from here, or if you are doing your CFA, ACCA from here then you will get few and little in number of exemptions. As in your MBA degree, you have studied extensive finance and accounting courses and then because of these courses, exemptions will be given to you by ICMA.
ICMA Pakistan Exemptions For MBA
This ICMA has about 63 years experience of this education excellence, they have professional body for their students. It is one of the leading one and most professional one institutions of Pakistan. This institution has been contributing right towards the area and field line of world economies. ICMA is playing its important role and part towards the phase and stages of innovation, it is contributing to globalization.
This is all information on ICMA Pakistan exemptions for MBA. You can check their website too. From their website, you will get in-detail this explanation that what exemptions are given to these MBA degree holders. You can visit their office too. So if you want to study from this institute and you have done with yours MBA degree then make sure that you do get these exemptions as well. Stay connected with us.