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ISSB 2023 Intelligence Test Preparation Tips For Army
It is true that this ISSB 2023 Intelligence Test Preparation Tips For Army is one of the toughest tests so far. In Pakistan, candidates appear and sit for this test so that they can become the part of Pakistan navy, air force and naval army of Pakistan. It is not easy to clear this test. This test comprises of large in number of stages. First you will appear and sit for the written and psychological test. Then the candidates will appear for the interview, physical test, medical examination test. Here, you can have a look at the information of ISSB Intelligence Test Preparation Tips for Army. You can have a look at these tips and important ways so that you can pass and clear this ISSB test:
In this test, you will have questions related to your Academic Qualification and also about your Hobbies, Then you have will questions with regard to the subject of Islamiat. You should prepare the topics of Surah Hudabia , Fateh Makka and also Ghussal Ka Farahiz. You should have information about Wazu K Farahiz and how many sons and too Wives Of Prophet(P.B.U.H) have? Questions like which is the biggest Surah of Holy Quran, which is the shortest Surah of Holy Quran, they also come in this test of ISSB.
- This test comprises of section of Questions of Forces as well. You should be able to answer the questions linked with he Motive Of Army and PAF, Navy. You should know the name of the Cheif Joint of Army Staffand Nishan E Haider holder Names as well.
- Then you will have the portion of emotions and feelings in this intelligence test. You will have questions like tat what will you if you will not get selected and chosen for this test? The portion of your General knowledge should be stronger enough. You should know the names of foreign Minister Of China and Japan and also India and Pakistan. Basic knowledge about Pakistan Highest things And Shortest Things, the Highest Mountain range of Pakistan and Shortest Dam in Pakistan, you should know the answers of them!
- The candidate of this ISSB test, he should be strong in English. You will have questions related to Parts Of Speech in this test. Then the self analysis questions will come like how many BoyFriends and girlfriends do you have? Have you ever had sex? If i give you 50000 Rs, what will you do?
Stay tuned with us because we have more information about this ISSB Intelligence Test Preparation Tips for Army.
ISSB 2023 Interview Questions And Answers Ideas Complete Guide
If you want to clear this ISSB in the first go and turn then do check out the details from this page. Here we will tell you about the information of this ISSB 2023 Interview Questions And Answers Ideas Complete Guidete Guide. This guide will help you a lot in passing this ISSB interview. It is the wish of each and every Pakistani to become the part of Pak army, air force institute. Go through these important and vital one interview questions. From these ideas of questions and answers, you can better know about the procedure of this ISSB Interview.
In this interview of ISSB, you have to keep in mind lots of important points. You should pay attention on your Body Language as well as on your image. The tone of your voice should be convincing enough. You should better know whatever you are saying! The candidate should remain calm and also confident in this whole time of interview. You can come up with a firm handshake. You can have an eye contact with the team of your interview. All of these things count a lot.
- This ISSB interview of yours comprises of lots of sections. Questions related to your personality, family background, educational background, self analysis questions, emotions and feelings questions will be asked from you. You have to fully prepare yourself.
- You should prepare wholly the section of Islamiyat. The candidate should know about the Total rukus and Sajde in Quran. He should be able to recite Ayat-ul-Kursi and Dua-Qanoot. Information about all of the Islamic Battles like Jang -e Badar and others- you should have complete details about them.
- Then the questions of general knowledge and english, questions related to armed forces will come. The toughest and difficult part in this ISSB interview is the section of self analysis. This section will check and assess your temperament. Questions about your girl friends and boy friends, sex related questions will come. You have to encounter questions like have you ever lied? Have you ever watched B.P? If yes then how many times? Have you ever touched your girl friend? How do you fulfill your sexual urge?
Keep in touch with us and we will further guide you about the ISSB Interview Questions And Answers Ideas complete Guide.
ISSB Test 2023 For Pak Army Test Book Question Book Details
If you are looking for ISSB Test 2023 For Pak Army Test Book Question Book Details then here you are! It is a fact that this ISSB test is not at all an easy one to be passed. You should work hard to pass this intelligence. The written test is just the first stage of this technical and toughest test. Here, from this page you will know about the question details related to this test. It is the test for Pak army. So if you want to serve this Pakistan army institute then you have to pass this test with much scoring and maximum marks. Below are the details that what kind of questions come in this test:
In this test, you should have 100% of your preparation. You should know each and everything about your education, family, your personal details, your private life information. In this test, the team will judge and assess your general knowledge, personality and image, voice and expression and the way you handle these questions!
- In this ISSB intelligence test, you can score maximum in this section of Islamiat. Basic and simple knowledge about Holy Prophet PBUH, holy battles, stats about Holy Quran, these kinds of question come in this test. Questions about general in type of mathematics also come. Like What is 5% of 80 and what is 5% of 90? You should know the answer that What is 60% of 400 and which is greater? 5.5 or it is 6.6? Questions about percentage, pole questions, discounted questions are also important when it comes to this test of
- You should know the abbreviations of UNESCO, SUPARCO and OIC and FATA. The last section of this test is quite a tricky one. It is related to sex questions. Like any girlfriend or boyfriend do you have? Have you ever gone on a date? What you like most in a girl or in a boy?
This is all about the information of ISSB test for Pak army Test Book Question Book Details. To pass this test, it is important for you that you should prepare yourself physically, technically, mentally and emotionally. This test judge and assess all of your personality aspects. We will share more of the important ISSB questions with you. Stay in touch with us.
ISSB Test 2023 Sample Questions Written Test Preparation Guide
Details about ISSB Test 2023 Sample Questions Written Test Preparation Guide is all here. If you are not fully prepared enough then you cannot pass and clear this intelligence test. It is a tricky test so far in Pakistan. If you want to link yourself with the institutes of Pak army and naval army, Pak air force then you should pass this test of intelligence. We are sharing a complete guide with regard to this test preparation over here. You should have a look at these test sample questions.
This is the kind of test which is made of questions about General knowledge, psychological and intelligence questions. You should be proficient enough while answering the questions of English, general maths and Islamiat.
- In this test, these sorts of questions come like what is the capital of Austrailia? Who is the Prime minister of England? Who is the Secretaory General of United Nations? Name any of the 5 cities of province of Balochistan. Who is the AIR CHIEF of Pakistan? Who is the Joint Chief of Pakistan? Name the Naval Chief of Pakistan.
- Questions like what is the 80 % of 80 and what is the 20 % of 40 also come in this test. The candidate should have an information about its flag of Pakistan. Like what is the green part of the Flag actually symbolizes? What is the white vertical bar in the Flag of Pakistansymbolizes? When National Anthem of Pakistan approved in? Who composed the National Anthem’s Verses of Pakistan?
- Questions about common knowledge will also come in this test. Like how many bones are there in the human body? Open questions do come like have you ever seen B.P? How many times you have watched B.P? Where you have watched B.P and how many times? Di you like the B.P? How you felt after watching B.P? Do you have a sexual urge? how you fulfill it? Are you in a relationship? Do you date? Do you touch your girl friend?
If you want to have more information about ISSB Test Sample Questions Written Test Preparation Guide then stay tuned with us. To become the part of Pak army, this tough and tricky test has to be passed by you. So far, these are the important questions that usually come in this ISSB intelligence test. More details about the Preparation Guide of this test is on its way.