If you are from the 12th class and you have opted for the ICS degree program then this Computer science subject is a compulsory subject for you. It is a difficult paper, it has a long course. If you are aware of the assessment scheme of this paper then you can attempt this exam paper easily. Through this scheme, you will get a rough idea of which chapters you should prepare first and which units should be prepared by you in the next moment! Though you should give equal attention to each of the chapters some units are more important, but they carry more weight because 12th Class Computer Assessment Scheme Lahore Board 2024.
For those units that consist of more weightage, you have to revise them again and again. As this paper contains a total of marks 100. You will have about 3:20 minutes to solve this very important paper 12th Class Computer Assessment Scheme Lahore Board 2024. The time is quite enough and sufficient. Below we will give you the details of how much weightage is allotted to the units and how many marks are given and distributed to these lessons Computer science subject:
12th Class Computer Assessment Scheme Lahore Board 2024
- From chapter 1, as you can see it is given 5% weightage. From this unit 1, you will have 7 marks questions. MCQs will come, 6 marks short questions will come. From this chapter, you will not see any long questions.
- Then from Chapter 2, it has also 5% of weightage. 8 marks are given by the examiner to this unit. From this chapter, no long questions will be coming in your paper 12th Class Computer Assessment Scheme Lahore Board 2024.
- You should not skip chapter 3 because 8 marks of long questions will be given by the examiner. In the same way, from chapters 6 and 8, from units 10, 12, long questions and essay-type questions will come. These mentioned chapters are important because it is these lengthy questions that can increase your percentage or lower your percentage.
- Then from Chapters 6,7, 10, 12, and 13, practical questions shall come.
Assessment Scheme For 11th Class 2024 Lahore Board
This paper is a mixture of objective, practical, and subjective questions. You should work equally hard in all of these sections 12th Class Computer Assessment Scheme Lahore Board 2024. Do not neglect any of the sections. All the best to the students of 12th Class. We hope that they do well in their papers. Prepare and study well and do not leave any topic.