This page is here to give you all details about LUMS MBA Admission Test Sample paper, Entry Test Syllabus, Paper Pattern, Online Preparation. To be in the LUMS MBA admission program, you have to sit for their LMAT test. This is their management admission test which is taken by LUMS. Those students who wants to be in LUMS MBA program, it is must for them to pass this LMAT test. This LMAT test is for the programs of MBA as well as for EMBA and too for PhD degree programs. Let us have a look at the details of LUMS MBA admission test sample paper so that all the candidates can familiarize theirselves.
You will be critical reasoning questions. This LUMS MBA entry test will also comprise of verbal questions and reading comprehension questions. This LUMS MBA Test Syllabus is mentioned on their official website as well. Then questions like sentence correction will come as well. This LUMS MBA Admission Test Paper Pattern is shared over here, you can get an idea. Then in this test, quantitative portion will come and first you will be asked to solve these questions related to problem solving skills.
You can do LUMS MBA Admission Test Online Preparation in order to have a better score in this test. Questions of data sufficiency will come in this LMAT test. Do as much LUMS mba test preparation as you can because always tough and competitive questions appear and come in this LMAT test. You have to prepare yourself for the questions like that of analytical assessment writing. To have more details of Lums mba test sample, you can visit LUMS website.
LUMS MBA Admission Test Sample paper, Entry Test Syllabus, Paper Pattern, Online Preparation

This is an updated pattern of Lums test for mba and if any revision will be made, we will share that with you. This LUMS MBA Paper pattern is subject to changes too. So carry on with your LUMS MBA Online preparation so that you can pass in this test.
All concerned individuals who wants to be in LUMS university and who wants to persue with their MBA program, it is advised and suggested to them that they should keep theirselves updated about LUMS MBA admission test sample paper pattern. Prepare and study harder for this MBA admission test which will be taken by LUMS.