
NTS Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Questions With Answers

Here we have updated information for you about NTS verbal reasoning practice test Questions With Answers. Here we will tell you how can you prepare for this NTS verbal reasoning test portion. You can note this important detail that this portion consists of 3 sections. You will be preparing the vocabulary section, grammar section, and reading comprehension section, Under this vocabulary section, you will be preparing as many synonyms antonyms, and analogies as you can. Like from this synonyms section, you will have these questions. You will be asked to mark the synonym of the word Integrity and the options are Questioning, transparency, honesty, and sadness, and the correct answer is Honesty.

Then from the antonyms section, you will need to mark answers that have opposite meanings. For what is the antonym of the word Restive and the options are easy, calm, hurry, and restless? The current answer is easy NTS Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Questions With Answers. You should also know the antonym of the word Prodigal, you shall get these options as well wasteful, confident, neutral, and frugal. The correct answer is Frugal. From the second section which is a grammatical section, you will have these questions, he is ——–in his class and options are good, better, best, none of them.

NTS Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Questions With Answers

The correct answer is Best. Then you will be asked to choose and select those pair of words which can best and in a perfect way express and show a relationship with these pairs of words. So which is the most suitable combination, TIGER: CARNIVOROUS, option A is the lion: jungle, then option B is cat: house, we have option C as a cow: herbivorous, and then option D is wolf: clever. The correct answer is cow: herbivorous. We will keep you updated on NTS verbal reasoning practice test Questions.

Pakistan National Issue Sample Questions Topics

In this NTS test, this portion of verbal reasoning is very important. You should understand the technicality of this section, you should understand its conceptual terms and basics. If we get more comprehensive questions on the portion of verbal reasoning, we will let you know NTS Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Questions With Answers.

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If at any time you will appear and sit for this NTS test then note that you should be focusing and concentrating much and more on verbal reasoning portion questions NTS Verbal Reasoning Practice Test Questions With Answers. You can stay connected with us and updated questions and MCQs on the area of verbal reasoning will be shared with readers.

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