Selection for the defense forces word association test ISSB is conducted. In most countries like the US, and Germany intelligence and psychological test was conducted and got amazing results. In old age, the method of heredity was used to select the manpower that aims to restrain power within families that affect the efficiency, credibility, and quality of services. This concept was changed when the educated progressive, open-minded people grew up and fought for rights and provided ordinary services for the country and to serve mankind. After the independence, in 1974 selection board was made to choose manpower that was ready to sacrifice their lives for a country with bravery. Three-dimensional assessments of candidates were required to select candidates. In Pakistan, ISSB is made for this purpose.
The Inter-Service Board is the commissioned officers-based committee that only select the candidates for the armed force of Pakistan through different aptitude, psychology, and personality test. After getting qualified from these tests they go through training at military academies that are based in KAKUL, MANORA, and RISALPUR. There is an eligibility criterion that has to be followed by the candidates. 17-22 years of age is required, for the graduates 17 -23.In service, army 17 -25 should be considered with 5-4 height. The period of the ISSB test is five days during which they undergo the checking of documents and their belongings on the first day. On the second day 1st psychological test conducted
Word Association Test ISSB Online Solved PDF Download
With the help of the ISSB word association test. In this test, words are given on the board and projectors, and candidates have to make meaningful sentences. Through these words selection committee analyzes the personality, attributes of personality, beliefs, likes and dislikes, and what you think about the happenings around you. Those who are failed will not attend the next test. On the third day indoor outdoor and interviews were conducted. Fourth day find the mutual assessment through different tasks.
On the fifth day conference will be held. There is no particular form that offers the ISSB prep but some academies do these jobs on their own to capable candidates to achieve high numbers. word association test ISSB online also provides some help but have no idea if those words come in the test or not but best for brainstorming. 100 words are given in total each word being described by the candidates to show the personality attributes. How you behave, how you think, how you know things, how you explore things, and what you perceive from things under a limited time is quite a taught task. Only 9 to 10 seconds are given after that word disappears from the projector.
words are like Love, duty, girl, eat, work, decide, lie, enjoy, solve, story, break, beat, give, careful, success, trust, fear, defeat, mature, accident, old, accept, sympathy, short, sink, target, sink, last, offer, neglect, protect, quick, pressure, cry, sorrow, think, criminal, character, laughter and so on. The basic purpose is to know what you think about a word when it appears and it shows your thinking and perspective about particular phenomena. Those who qualify for this test have the opportunity to conduct the next test otherwise will drop off.